GTA VI: What we definitely know about Grand Theft Auto 6 put into a list

With the release of Grand Theft Auto Five a fast approaching distant memory, we turn our attention to Grand Theft Auto 6. Here’s a list of things we know about Grand Theft Auto VI.

1. The release date of GTA 6 could be anytime really. Although it will have to be long enough after the release of GTA V to give controversial developer Rockstar enough time to make the game.

2. Grand Theft Auto 6 will have a main character or characters that players will have to play as if they want to play the game. The main character/characters will be male and/or female.

3. The graphics will be the best Grand Theft Auto graphics yet. And so will things like the artificial intelligence and physics.

4. Before the game is released, controversial GTA developer Rockstar will release some promotional trailers to promote GTA 6. The first trailer won’t give much away but subsequent ones will give away a bit …

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Fairly Inoffensive Trash Talking Thatʼs Pretty Funny Actually

Most trash talking is likely to offend as it’s very offensive. That’s the point. But some trash talking is fairly inoffensive and pretty funny actually. We like that sort of trash talking. This is some of our favourite examples of fairly inoffensive trash talking that’s pretty funny actually. They are all 100% for real and mostly heard during various Call of Duty multiplayer matches.

Inoffensive Trash Talking #1: “I’m more mature than you”

Most trash talking is likely to offend as it’s very offensive. That’s the point. But some trash talking is fairly inoffensive and pretty funny actually. We like that sort of trash talking. This is some of our favourite examples of fairly inoffensive trash talking that’s pretty funny actually. They are all 100% for real and mostly heard during various Call of Duty multiplayer matches.

Inoffensive Trash Talking #2: “You don’t even go to a real school”

If it’s not a real school then it must be a …

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