20 amazing things you never knew about game controllers
Without game controllers we wouldn’t be able to play games, so they’re important. Here are 20 amazing things you never knew about game controllers:
1. The name ‘controller’ comes from the word ‘control’, which means ‘to control something’, like a video game.
2. In the future game controllers will incorporate biometric analysis and retina scan technology, and will be locked to individual users.
3. The ‘X’ button on the PlayStation controller is unique because it’s a shape and also a letter of the alphabet.
4. Some people think the Circle button is an ‘O’, which is also a shape and a letter of the alphabet, but it’s definitely a Circle, not an ‘O’, so those people are wrong.
A SNES pad
5. The SNES gamepad is sort of similar in shape to a sanitary pad.
6. The very first game controllers were called ‘joysticks’ because they were stick-shaped and made from wood, which is the same material that sticks are …
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