Childrenʼs books that should definitely be turned into video games
With a few creative tweaks these children’s books could actually make pretty good video games. In fact, thinking about it, these children’s books should definitely be turned into video games…
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The book’s about: A caterpillar with a serious eating disorder munches his way through some salad before realising salad is pretty much a waste of time and decides binging on junk food is a much better idea. Luckily the junk food is magic or something and it turns the caterpillar into a butterfly.
The game that it should definitely be turned into: A caterpillar with a serious eating disorder receives a mysterious invite to take part in an illegal fighting tournament. All the combatants are food and caterpillar must eat them to a pulp by using brutal takedowns and finishing moves. If caterpillar wins the tournament he gets turned into a butterfly. Alternate ‘Fat Caterpillar’ costume available as day one DLC.
The Tiger Who Came To Tea
The book’s about: A tiger turns up to a little girl’s house completely uninvited, eats everything, then shits off again without a word of thanks. What a dick.
The game that it should definitely be turned into: A mutated zombie tiger created by bioterrorists relentlessly pursues a little girl through a gritty, zombie-infested urban environment. Luckily the girl is a member of an elite special forces division called A.S.S.H.A.T.S. (Army Super-Secret Handshakes And Tactics Squad). The climactic climax features an elevator, a countdown sequence, a rocket launcher, and the shocking revelation that the girl’s mother is actually the power hungry leader of Parasol PLC, the unethical organisation responsible for zombie mutating the tiger. In the end everyone flies off in a helicopter.
Mr Tickle
The book’s about: Mr Tickle – a roundish man with freakishly long arms who displays anti-social tendencies, namely the indiscriminate molestation of strangers.
The game that it should definitely be turned into: Mr Tickle – a roundish man with freakishly long arms who is possessed by dark forces and driven by a burning vengeance after witnessing the cold-blooded murder of his girlfriend, Little Miss Calamity. Mr Tickle’s elongated limbs are evil and can be used for looking around corners, over walls, under toilet doors etc., and also for removing the internal organs of enemies by performing gruesome invasive tickling attacks.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The book’s about: A rabbit called Peter who risks everything by going behind enemy lines to steal vegetables. He loses his blue jacket and is sent to bed early.
The game that it should definitely be turned into: Retired Special Forces rabbit Peter is called back into action for one last mission. Going behind enemy lines in some Middle Eastern hellhole, Peter must assassinate a terrorist bastard sonofabitch called Mr McCregor – a ruthless terrorist bastard sonofabitch who will stop at nothing to grow more vegetables and promote self-sustainability. The game features exciting multiplayer maps including allotment, forest, and burrow.
The Gruffalo
The book’s about: A tiny mouse embarks on a journey through a wood and must use all his cunning to escape dangerous animals and mythical creatures.
The game that it should definitely be turned into: A tiny mouse embarks on a journey through Ancient Greece and must use visceral combo-based combat and violent context sensitive attacks to defeat the dangerous animals and mythical creatures he encounters. The mouse can use a variety of weapons on his adventure, including the deadly ‘Nuts of Chaos’. The game would also feature collectible nuts.
We think you’ll agree that all these classic children’s books really would be much better if they were games. Please follow Shoot The Barrel on Twitter and maybe say something nice to us.