Uncharted 3′s multiplayer is free for all right now on the PSN
Naughty Dog dice up their main game so you can pick the best bits
Naughty Dog’s brilliant Uncharted 3 is the test-bed for a new pricing system for Sony. Right now, you can head to the PlayStation Store and grab the game’s multiplayer portion free of charge.
You can shoot, punch and detonate your way to Level 15 for nothing, but anything beyond this will cost you money, but all progress will be remembered and added once you sign up for more. You get access to 24 multiplayer maps and a genuinely fun online shooter, with thrills and spills aplenty. Here, take a look…
Breaking things down further is the fact you can pick and choose at the other bits of Uncharted 3 that you fancy. For example, you can pick up the single-player mode for £19.99 if you’d rather have a solo experience. You can, however, buy the full game for £14.98 on Amazon, so there is this to bear in mind.
Still, this is a step in the right direction, not just for Sony, but for digital distribution altogether. If the pricing system can be lowered a touch then the ability to only download the portions of the game you’re interested in, then this could shake up current and next-gen purchases for good.