GTA 5 screensaver reveals possible new character, more news hitting April 29
Is this the face of the Epsilon Program’s Cris Formage? Probably
Through the medium of a desktop screensaver, Rockstar Games appear to have introduced a new character for the hotly anticipated, GTA V. The mysterious slideshow – that is downloadable from here – is brought to you by the Epsilon Program – the Scientology-esque group, which were first spotted in San Andreas.
Among the facts about how ‘everyone is related except people with red hair’ and the ‘world is 157 years old’, that character above slips by too. He’s most likely, cult leader, Cris Formage who was originally voiced by Fred Melamed.
On top of this, Rockstar’s Newswire blog post signs off with the not-so-cryptic ‘directions will be provided in one week’s time’, which hints that more GTA V news is set to drop on April 29th. So put that in your diaries, folks.
Oh, and as the internet is full of clever folk, some genius has managed to strip the words away and bring you the background footage from the screensaver. This could be in-game footage we’re seeing here…