Far Cry 3 gets a new patch today, resets outposts and gets harder
The calls from the fans have been heard and Ubisoft has responded by dishing up a patch for the brilliant, Far Cry 3. It’s available right now on PS3 and 360 and amongst other things, it resets the outposts on Rook Island so you can have fun trying to tactically take them down all over again. And this time there’s a harder difficulty level for you to try out.
Here’s the skinny…
- Outposts reset: after the end of the game, players can choose to reset the liberated outposts to face the challenge to take them over again
- A new difficulty setting: Players who have completed the campaign can restart the adventure on MASTER difficulty, with more challenging enemies and dangerous wildlife
- Map Beta Test: Map makers can now start a beta test to monitor how their map is being played using the new spectate feature and regular players are enabled to provide better feedback to help map makers improve their projects.
- Maps by author: Players will be able to show all the maps created by an author
- Idle kick: The feature that kicks out idle players during a MP match is removed from custom and private matches
- The Skip map voting system has been improved with more visibility and time to cast the vote
- A new mini-game called The Grid has been added to the Outpost website and smartphone apps
This is more than enough reason to get back to the island for shoot and stabby fun times. And why not check out what the other Far Cry 3 DLC offers by clicking here.