Something for the Weekend: Bully, God Hand and Skyrim at low prices
End the week in style with our recommendations
Forget about new console launches. The new wave of next-gen machines aren’t ready yet and that box under your telly still has plenty of life left in it. So why not put the ol’ girl through her paces by downloading one of these excellent deals we’ve found for you.
PlayStation Store
Canis Canem Edit (AKA Bully) | Price: £7.99
Rockstar high-school adventure is somewhat of a forgotten classic, and one of the most sought after sequel in their back catalogue. Jimmy Hopkins story takes place in one of the finest and tightest worlds that Rockstar has created. With lessons in the form of minigames, a massive fun fair to explore and story that is genuinely fun and entertaining, Canis is worth enrolling with.
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit | Price: £15.99
The first attempt at splicing the real world cars of NFS with the chassis crunching impacts of Burnout. No surprises then that this cops and racer epic is brought to you by Criterion Games who’ve transformed the Need For Speed series with style. The long open roads are perfect for side-swiping the opposition and activating powers like EMP blasts to knock out pursuers electronics and stay ahead of the pack. You can even call in helicopter support as the you play as the 5-0.
God Hand | Price: £7.99
Before Metal Gear Rising, Vanquish and Bayonetta, the talented minds at Clover, who went on to become Platinum Games, made God Hand. It’s borderline insane as you can see here. You’ll fight gorillas, dominatrix ladies and little guys that leap onto your shoulders like angry monkeys. Our highlights involve the stinging combos that deliver a stack of painful hits in seconds, like the spank move where on the last slap you send the enemy sky-rocketing to the moon.
Xbox Marketplace
Skyrim | Price: Gold Member Exclusive – £14.99
One of the best open-world RPGs ever created and for this price you’d be mad to miss it. Need we say more? Well, apart from the fact that it’s only exclusive to Gold membership, which is a bit bum, no.
Child of Eden | Price: £11.99
From the man who made Rez, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, comes this unique experience that works just as well with Kinect as it does with a normal controller. It’s a combination of one of the finest light shows you’re likely to witness and a hypnotic soundtrack that blends in well. It’s like an interactive Jean Michel Jarre concert except with more arm waving and a computer virus plot.
Mirror’s Edge | Price: £14.99
With a twist on the FPS genre, DICE throw open a world that doesn’t require you to gun down every moving object in the world. Faith can disarm and turn guns on her opponents in this futuristic world, but she can easily outmanoeuvre them with free-running skills. Making your way across rooftops, sliding under pipes and generally legging it around like a scalded cat is a welcome break from all the shooting.